Town Council/Mayoral Candidate Forum Questions Submitted by the Public

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Subject: Qualifications

Do you think that your experience as Town Councilor will help you when you are elected as Mayor? Please state why or why not.

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

What specific skill and knowledge will you contribute to the function of our town government? What are you really good at?

You have served two terms as Mayor. Why are you interested in serving a third term?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Two of you have been challenged as to the legitimacy of your claims to reside within the Municipal boundaries of Taos, this being a stated requirement for candidate eligibility. Where do you stand as to the assertion that this apparent violation of New Mexico law is minor, insignificant, or irrelevant, and should not disqualify one as a candidate?

Tell us your best strengthen you bring to this job.

Taos, and the world, have been reeling from the pandemic for the last two years. What have you done in service to the community during that time?

Why were you removed from the Planning and Zoning Commission? If you don’t know, why do you think you were removed?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Do you think the Barrone administration deserves a third term?

Please share a brief statement about any training you have received specifically for running for office.

What experiences and skills qualify you for the Town Council?

The Town Council has been divided and hostile for years. Do you understand the role of a Council member and will you commit to being respectful and working with your colleagues on the council?

What is your position about living in the Town of Taos and running for public office or voting in Town elections?

What basis do you have for believing that as a council member, you will gain the public’s trust?

How many times have you presented or spoken in the Town Council meeting in the past 2 years?

Please describe your most significant personal accomplishment that most clearly defines you as the best choice for Mayor.

On your website you state,
“As a Mayor with an advanced degree in economics, I will put my education and skills to work to craft an economy that is resilient, sustainable, and works for all. I will work with our economic development partners to develop econometric models and make decisions based on the data rather than feeling.”
1.) Please explain specifically what skills you have for crafting “an economy that is resilient, sustainable, and works for all.”
2.) How many econometric models have you developed since you obtained your Masters of Arts degree (MA) in economics [in Aug 2021} ?
3.) If elected, how much time do you believe you will need to produce and implement a transformative strategy for the well being of Taos and Taos County based upon these econometric models?
4.) Please explain specifically what you mean when you state you will make “decisions based on data rather than feeling.”

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

As a manager, how many people have you managed in each of your prior positions? And what is the monthly budget for your current position?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

What can you list as accomplishments during your term of service?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Your own website suggests you don’t take this seriously. Why should voters take you seriously?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Why mayor for your first run? Why not Council?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

You have not previously run for office. Does this lack of political experience put the Town at a disadvantage in any way when dealing with other elected bodies or officials?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

What would you say are the job qualifications and responsibilities of a successful town Mayor? Please define what you consider success.

On your website you say you’re running because you want to turn out the vote and “I think I want to run for mayor. I don’t think I want to be the mayor. Being the mayor sounds like a lot of work and I’m risk averse in that category.” Can you give us a good reason why someone should use their one vote for Mayor to vote for you?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Share a true story about when you’ve been an ally to a marginalized group.

Given Pascualito’s education, experience as a teacher and town councilman, and his willingness to engage local citizens in formulating policy decisions, why and how would you make a better mayor?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

You stated “attending Town Council meetings were a waste of my time”? How will you work with Council and County members if you don’t consider their input viable?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

What experiences and skills qualify you to be our next mayor?

Your website makes the following statements: “I think I want to run for mayor, I don’t think I want to be the mayor. Being the mayor sounds like a lot of work and I’m risk averse in that category.” “I’m a fat guy in a race I don’t expect to win.” “I piss off a lot of people just by being alive and being myself. I’m perfectly willing to piss them off in a public capacity as well.” With all that being said, do you expect to be taken seriously? Why should anyone vote for you?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

On your website you say running for Council instead of Mayor is a waste of time. Can you explain why?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Your website says: “The mayor’s responsibilities are primarily to preside at council meetings and to act as head of the city for ceremonial purposes.” If that is the case, whom do you envision carrying out the initiatives you’ve outlined?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Why do you believe your lack of education is sufficient for being Mayor?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Since you have never held office, have not participated in town/council meetings(as far as I know), how will you bring yourself up to speed on the rules, regs, budget, statutes, etc.?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:

Much has been made of candidates not living full time in Town of Taos, and either using a family address, or moving temporarily, ie during campaign season, into the Town limits. Do you think this is proper, legal, appropriate? do you see it as a violation of campaign laws?

What is your position on state constitutional law and town charter which specify that voters and candidates running for public office municipal in elections must all live at addresses certified to be in the town boundaries?

Do you rent or own your home in the town limits? If you rent, have you secured a long term lease to ensure you remain a resident in the town limits?

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