Town Council/Mayoral Candidate Forum Questions Submitted by the Public

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Subject: Housing

Property taxes fall more heavily on the poor than on the rich, but the rules are set at the state level. How would you influence the state legislature to encourage raising real estate taxes on recently-built or remodeled houses?

How will you address the lack of affordable housing in Taos County?

What actions will you take to address affordable housing needs in Taos?

What is your solution for keeping homes in Taos affordable when so many property values doubled by 200%+ this past year? What policies will you propose for the secondary vacation rental market? What strategies will you propose for limiting second and third and fourth homes within our valley?

What are you going to do to address the local housing crisis?

What do you see as solutions for addressing our affordable housing crisis?

What will you propose to keep housing affordable in Taos? How will you limit the number of vacation rental units owned by out-of-state speculators? How will you limit the number of second, third and fourth homes in Taos — properties that take housing away from renters who actually live in Taos?

What have your personally done to address homelessness in Taos? Be specific

What is your specific plan to address affordable housing and homelessness?

What tools does the Town of Taos have at its disposal to respond to the affordable housing crisis, and of these tools, which do you believe would be most appropriate and impactful in our town? We want to understand your knowledge of the tools available not in general, but specifically to municipalities to address housing issues.

It is rapidly becoming impossible for Taoseños who have invested a livelihood in serving the community to find and hold on onto decent housing here. Healthcare workers, educators, and those who ensure our public safety are being forced to compete for safe, decent homes with real estate investors, wealthy second and third home owners, and remote workers who are employed by companies that have little or no investment in the local community. Many of those who are invested in serving this community- particularly renters- are in a state of desperation, with few to no options for safe, decent housing for their families. Where does this issue fall on your spectrum of priorities, and what do you intend to do to improve living conditions for the working individuals and families who serve this community?

What is your plan to address homelessness in our community?

What are your plans to help create/expand workforce housing for locals?

There have been many steps forward with low income and affordable housing over the last few years. However Taos, like other regions around the country, still has a dearth of quality rental options for working families. The median rental price for a two-bedroom apartment is $925 per month. What will you do in office to address these shortages?

Why are the caps on Air BnBs and VRBO so high in Taos? I just left an apartment in El Prado where my landlord is going to make it into another B&B. Affordable housing is a joke in this county. It’s time to put a cap on these so that people can find an affordable apartment.

What can be done to create affordable housing units that are aesthetically designed so they enhance, rather than diminish, the character of our community?

What will you do to increase affordable housing in our community?

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