Town Council/Mayoral Candidate Forum Questions Submitted by the Public

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Subject: Campaign Finances

How can voters find out who is donating to your campaign?

Laws for town candidates do not require disclosure of donors to campaigns or amounts donated. However, due to allegations of possible corruption, Will all 3 candidates disclose and print on their websites the donors and amounts given by each donor so we know exactly who is trying to purchase our government? This is a commitment to transparency and honesty.

Even though it is not a requirement, are you willing to disclose the names and amount of gift of your donors? If no, why not?

Did any of the candidates promise a job to a family member or contributor to their campaign?

Did any of the candidates receive financial contributions from the cannabis industry? Were there any promises exchanged?

Voters are concerned that wealthy individuals or corporations are trying to to exert excessive influence in this election by way of large campaign donations. Although it is not required by law in municipal elections, will you provide the public a list now of all of your donors and the amounts of their donations as well as verifiable details of your campaign expenditures for Taos News ads, signage and media consultants? .

Will you disclose your funding sources and provide the public a list of all of your donors and the amount of the donations?

Rumor has it that your campaign is backed by a developer & that if elected you will do his bidding. Will you address both of these issues?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:


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