Town Council/Mayoral Candidate Forum Questions Submitted by the Public

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Subject: Airport

Do you support monies going to the airport expansion? Why? Do you think it will benefit the majority of Taos town residents? Does this long term project outweigh all the immediate needs: detox center, infrastructure, homeless, lack of housing, sustainable housing?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:


Your administration has relentlessly focused on building the infrastructure for converting the Taos Airport into one that can accommodate large coma Part 139 facility have promoted placing a fire department that would not be allowed to provide services to surrounding neighborhoods. How does this support your claims that this would increase fire safety for the community?

At a Joint Town and County meeting on Dec. 22, 2020, the Airport Master Plan was presented by the Town. Elaborate architectural drawings of a contemporary, mostly glass airport terminal is part of the presentation. (See video recording at 41.10 minutes.) It was stated that the $5.7 million to build it was already secured. Where is that money coming from? Has the town council had input? Was public input solicited? How much did the drawings cost and who paid for them?

Name of specific candidate the question was addressed to:


The Town’s own reporting shows that the village of Taos Ski Valley, and by extension Taos Ski Valley Inc., benefits more from the airport than the town does. How will you address this inequity?

Are you in favor of the spending of more public dollars on airport expansion? If so, why and to what purpose ?

The airport expansion has altered the well being of the El Prado residential community. Living within the take off area the low flying planes rattle my home and the noise is deafening. Land of either side is Indian land why is this take off area not protected from overflights? What can be done? Until the process to address this the airport should be put on hold.

What is your position on developing the airport as put forth in the Airport Master Plan? If you agree to the development according to the Plan, how would you handle the contiguous annexation required.

What is your position on the Taos airport expansion?

What are the problems and adverse impacts the Taos Airport has under the current rules and regs? What are your solutions? If you don’t know of any problems and adverse impacts, how and to whom will you inform yourself, and what will you commit to do to implement solutions?

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