Recently, La Coalición de Taos held The People’s Forums:
Taos Town Council Candidates – 01.27.2022
Taos Mayoral Candidates – 02.01.22
Questions for the candidates were submitted by you, The People.
We’ve compiled them here for you. Click on any of the topics below and it will take you to a page where questions on the topic are displayed “accordion style.”
Click on the plus sign on the right of each line to show the question. Click the minus sign to close.
The first line is the submitted question. The second, in smaller type, are tags related to the question. If the question was posed to a specific candidate, it will be indicated.
On phone or tablet, click the “hamburger,” the three red lines below, to reveal the subject menu.
We’ve also included the forum recordings below the questions menu.
PLEASE VOTE! For voting information, please click here, or access through “Resources” on the menu above.
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Website design, maintenance, and hosting by Maggie Duval.